Mowy Dharmy Thaya i mnichów z Plum Village

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Recytacje, pieśni

7:14 The Great Bell Chant (The End Of Suffering)

23:29 Namo Avalokiteshvaraya


19:36 Sangha and The Beloved Community

18:03 Inviting the Bell

19:21 Dharma Body, Sangha Body


6:28 What is sitting meditation for?

7:59 How to Sit for Meditation

20:24 Calm – ease Guided Meditation

27:56 Sixteen Steps of Mindful Breathing

20:46 Breathing in, I Know I'm Breathing in

5:18 Tea Meditation

7:11 Simple Mindfulness - Mindful Walking

20:07 Medytacja to nie luksus

20:24 Only Sitting

17:45 Love Meditation

5:44 Thich Nhat Hanh - Walking Meditation


Podstawy buddyzmu

18:31 The Four Noble Truths

5:07 Thich Nhat Hanh on Buddhist Essentials: What is Nirvana

1:46 Thich Nhat Hanh on Buddhist Essentials: What is the Dharma

3:49 Thich Nhat Hanh on Buddhist Essentials: What is Non-Fear

3:03 Thich Nhat Hanh on Buddhist Essentials: What is Meditation

1:33 Thich Nhat Hanh on Buddhist Essentials: Fear of Death

23:04 The Noble Eightfold Path

22:14 The Five Spiritual Powers (Plus One)

21:41 Emptiness: Empty of What?

7:15 Emptiness is NOT nothingness

22:41 Six Paramitas: Practices to Cross to the Other Shore

7:16 To Be Means To InterBe

4:01 Thich Nhat Hanh What is Mindfulness

10:37 Thich Nhat Hanh's LEGENDARY talk on emptiness

18:14 Signlessness: A Cloud Never Dies

9:04 Non-Duality: No Mud, No Lotus


4:06 What is God?

0:57 Is the Buddha a God? (audio)

21:39 Resting in God


21:31 A Simple Way To Heal Yourself

17:42 Healing the Inner Child

21:12 The Inner Child (guided meditation)

21:24 How to Deal with Strong Emotions

25:48 How to Stop Negative Perceptions of Ourselves

4:21 Self-Respect

9:26 How to stop looking for other people's approval

19:02 How to Take Care of the Habit Energy of Worrying

14:52 How do I stay in the present moment when it feels unbearable?

  8:52 Stop Running

5:30 Practicing Non Fear

10:43 Practicing with Unpleasant Emotions

11:38 Handling Strong Emotions

18:26 Helping Hungry Ghosts

16:41 The Roots of Anger

17:51 Taking Care of Anger

19:30 Tools for Dealing with Anger

19:39 Fear, Anger, and the Meaning of Survival

11:38 How to Fight Injustices Without Being Consumed with Anger

19:33 Loneliness and the Illusion of Connection

9:46 Pain, Despair, and The Second Arrow

22:24 How to Practice When Feeling Empty Inside


20:18 Becoming a Bodhisattva

6:58 True LOVE

13:33 Bodhicitta: The Mind of Love & Enlightenment

19:34 Four Elements of True Love

20:09 Love, Desire, and Intimacy

15:39 Understanding is Love's other name

18:277 Cultivating Calm and Ease

23:19 Touching Reality as It Is

21:20 Mindfulness, Concentration, and Insight in Daily Life

18:50 Free Yourself

23:26 Liberating Our Mind: Untying Knots, the Ten Fetters

4:30 Love is Protection

4:43 Peace Is the Way

4:54 Meaningful Life

19:42 Dharma Rain, and Being Alone

19:20 Four Notions to Remove

22:47 Smile – Release

22:25 Nourishing Our Joy & Happiness

16:41 Stop Borrowing and Be Happy Now

8:56 How Can I Fall Asleep Quickly?

24:00 Breathing, Walking, and Letting Go

21:43 Thich Nhat Hanh How To Really BE Yourself All The Time

22:01 Thich Nhat Hanh teaches about letting go

13:09 Concentrating & Liberating Our Mind

11:27 No Birth, No Death

18:56 This Body Is Not Me

17:38 War and Peace Within

16:54 Mindfulness of the Body

14:30 No Craving, Nirvana & Letting Go

3:08 HOW TO Be Fresh as a Flower

9:15 Loving Speech & Deep Listening

2:59 No Mud No Lotus

22:00 Volition: Our Deepest Desire

13:58 How does Thay calm down someone in rage?

11:53 I Have Arrived, I am Home

17:04 Remembering the Appointment with Life

15:57 Gladdening Our Mind, Diligently

3:25 How to stay calm in a storm

11:41 Mindful Consumption

5:08 Thich Nhat Hanh - Życie i śmierć [PL]

6:59 The Music of Mindful Breathing

5:14 Calligraphy: The Mindful Art of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

2:59 What is Impermanence

6:01 Recognizing Habit Energy

12:57 How to Transform Despair into Compassion and Peace

10:48 Working with Judgment and Fear

30:33 Thich Nhat Hanh Revolutionise Your Thinking Pattern

4:04 The Miracle of Walking on the Earth

6:09 How to avoid doing too much

9:50 How to Handle Difficult Emotions

13:56 Thich Nhat Hanh Posłuchaj swojej prawdziwej natury Napisy PL

5:30 Thich Nhat Hanh on How to Transform Past Acts of Violence

8:26 Darling, I'm here for you

2:12 Thich Nhat Hanh - Embracing Your Pain and Sorrow

7:16 Thich Nhat Hanh - Embracing Your Pain and Sorrow

16:06 Mindfulness, Skillfulness, and a Love Letter

11:37 Planning for the Future, Learning from the Past

4:01 Mindfulness, Concentration and Insight

19:29 Consciousness as Food

8:21 Definition of Heaven

16:33 Restoring Our Flowerness

17:02 Discrimination and Complexes

2:51 How to Bring Peace to Our Body

3:37 How to Dwell Happily in the Present Moment

5:14 Deepest Desire / Right Livelihood

4:05 Happiness Depends on the Way You Look At Things

9:11 The Story of Angulimala (Part 1)

26:06 Accepting Yourself As You Are: Practicing the Sixth Mantra

12:34 Equanimity: Wisdom of Non-Discrimination

7:56 True Security in Life | Thich Nhat Hanh

29:31 Brief Commentary on the Sutra on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone

10:02 Thich Nhat Hanh on Vegetarianism

18:41 Four Methods to Generate Joy and Happiness

15:16 Thich Nhat Hanh talks about reconciliation

15:21 Go Back Before Going Forward

14:33 Just Do Your Best, Don't Expect Anything in Return


Pytania i odpowiedzi

2:20 How are you?

5:56 How do I find my path?

10:55 How do we find strength to love ourselve?

5:57 Who am I?

7:38 How to deal with my family's difficulties?

13:34 How do I love myself?

9:19 Jak pozbyć się gniewu?

17:21 Does hell exist?

7:32 What is true love?

8:45 What Is True Love?

7:30 What to do when we find another person’s presence not nourishing?

13:05 My father makes me suffer a lot. Should I keep seeing him?

7:56 Do we have to forgive everything?

5:26 What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?

12:53 How to transform despair into compassion and peace?

2:57 How can I practice non-attachment?

12:14 What is Mind? What is Consciousness?

2:39 What is a Dharma Talk?

12:41 How can we let go of anger?

7:31 Being a Vegan Is a Great Happiness

5:50 Why Vegan and not Vegetarian?